Some of The Questions Others Have About Sexual Myths…

It’s always interesting to read what other people are facing in their relationships.  Typically, when we go out into public we don’t go around talking about the last thing that triggered us at home.  Especially at work.  And so we begin to think that other people aren’t facing the level of difficulty we’re experiencing with our own relationships.

But… wonder no more!  Here are some of the questions we received from people as they signed up for the Free Teleseminar with Linda Hampton.

A Sampling of the Questions Submitted…

"My man has intimacy issues and I feel like I am alone in this relationship much of the time. I have to ask for sex and initiate it most times. He seldom even wants it from me."

"My wife is in her 70s and doesn’t enjoy sex any more.  I know there is more to romance than sex.  How do I create romance and possibly enjoy sex with my wife?"

"I love my husband.  We can talk about anything and we do.  Our conversations are both intellectual and emotional.  There is no passion in our sexual relationship on my part.  I feel I deprive him of the sexual life he craves for.  The chemistry is not there for me."

"How do I stop feeling like there’s something wrong with me for not feeling any desire, for sex or titillation of any kind?"

"I have had sex with a man for 6 years. We have no relationship to speak of but we have a powerful connection during our time spent (intimate time). Can a man just have sex without caring for this long? Is there something other than stop seeing him I can do to make him open up?"

"How can I have a clitoral orgasm during male-female intercourse?"

"My wife is a wonderful person but for many years she was tired in the evening and would leave bed early in the morning without touching me. She did not like to be touched or caressed and was scolding me for touching myself. She did not want to talk about sex.  I never wanted to have a broken family but I spent years without sex with her and I don’t want to renew the experience."

"What is the best way to talk about sexual performance that is lacking the past charisma?"

"How do I free myself of past vows, after the divorce is final?"

"What do you do when one partner wants sex more often than the other partner? Neither of us want to make someone do (or not do) something they don’t want to, but it seems like a somewhat impossible situation. We each end up feeling bad and when we actually have sex we get kind of significant. Help!"

"I love to play fight with my boyfriend. It gets me excited to have sex with him. He says it’s a turnoff for him. What can I do to get him to be more fun?"

"What can I do to get my wife to stop saying… "I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you but I don’t like sex with you."

"I have a hard time orgasming, so I easily get bored with sex and just want it to end. It’s more of a pain in the ass than fun. I’m post menopausal, but this has been an issue for a long time. What to do?"

"My husband doesn’t like kissing. He just wants me to help him get an erection and then have intercourse. I have let him know my dissatisfaction, but nothing changed."

"I am having problems initiating sex. We have had a falling out of sorts and I went almost postal in a blowout that may have damaged my marriage for good. I’m not sure how to approach my wife after my blowup. How do I start the process of healing the hurt I’ve caused? Please advise."

"When just starting a new relationship, how do you know if it is too soon, to make love?  If that will get in the way of developing real emotional intimacy or further it on it’s path?  How do you stop your own body’s seemingly natural desire to go farther, if your mind says it is too soon for your own good?"

"My question is…How, after a few years of not being sexually intimate with my partner, can I make myself sexually attractive to her…so that she is interested in being intimate with me again? "

"Q: How can couples POLE VAULT (no pun intended) over their anger and ‘punishing’ attitudes towards each other to get to the physical intimacy they need??  A: Do the dishes everyday!!    I GET it but…. my partner will not talk.  It has been 2.5 yrs. with NO INTIMACY!  When is done, done??"

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