If I’d only know…

I didn't understand what happened, one minute we are having a great conversation over lunch and the next thing I know she is totally shut down. It's like a switch was flipped and she was gone. I know it was something that I said... I just didn't know what? That…

The 5 Relationship-Wrecking Communication Mistakes… 4 & 5 podcast

The 5 Relationship-Wrecking Communication Mistakes… 4 & 5                         Mistakes Numbers 4 and 5 of  The 5 Relationship-Wrecking Communication Mistakes…    These mistakes are "CUP STUFFING" and "Male-lite-ous" Click the gray arrow to listen in as Paul discusses these mistakes and what to do about it... [audio:http://www.magicrelationship.net/blog/media/5_Mistakes_03.mp3] Click here to…

He Doesn’t Listen Anymore!

He doesn't listen anymore....I talk to him, but it's like he doesn't even hear me! Sound familiar? When people sign up for our FREE SPECIAL REPORT at our www.MagicRelationship.com website, they have a chance to ask us any relationship communication question. These questions have become an amazing list of things…